Work Better Together
The nonprofit board of directors is vital to the success and sustainability of its organization. Its role includes hiring, evaluating, and (if necessary) firing the CEO. It sets the values, vision, mission, and strategic direction of the organization. Typically, in partnership with the CEO, it is responsible for its own maintenance – policies & procedures, succession planning, and leadership development. Board members are ambassadors – the community’s representative to the organization and the organization’s representatives to the broader community.
We help boards, CEOs, and board members work better together in partnership, united by a common understanding of their organization and of each other.
Board Governance Services Include:
- Governance Assessment
- CEO 360 Degree Evaluation
- Board Self-Assessment
- CEO Succession Planning
- Board Succession Planning
- Board Recruitment
- Board Training and Leadership Development
- Committee Structures and Roles
- Fiduciary Duty of Board Members
- Navigating Conflicts of Interest – Ethics and Legal Considerations
- Meetings Management – Agendas, Minutes, Processes, Etc.
- Meetings Management – Communication
- Dealing with Difficult People
- Building, Maintaining, and Repairing Trust
- The CEO-Board Relationship
- And More!