Fundraising for Dummies
Fundraising for Dummiesby John Mutz, Katherine Murray Good book, but watch the legal & tax advice! In case you’ve been trapped on a desert island
Fundraising for Dummiesby John Mutz, Katherine Murray Good book, but watch the legal & tax advice! In case you’ve been trapped on a desert island
Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive: A Leadership Fableby Patrick Lencioni We often talk about needing to keep one’s “eye on the ball,” to “thin-slice,”
The Five Temptations of a CEO: A Leadership Fableby Patrick Lencioni This leadership fable incorporates dream-like elements of the supernatural to make its point about
Fiscal Sponsorship: 6 Ways to Do It Right (second edition)by Gregory L. Colvin Many individuals and groups wish to pursue a nonprofit mission, but lack
Evaluation: 10 Significant Ways for Measuring and Improving Training Impactby Sandra Merwin An Evaluation Start for Charity and Nonprofit Trainers When I first started reading
Driving Strategic Planning: A Nonprofit Executive’s Guideby Deborah L. Kocsis and Susan A. Waechter Concise, easy-to-read primer Every so often, an excellent resource crosses our
Death by Meeting: A Leadership Fable About Solving the Most Painful Problem in Businessby Patrick Lencioni We’ve all been there — and would have given
CPR for Nonprofits: Creating Strategies for Successful Fundraising, Marketing, Communications and Managementby Alvin H. Reiss A First-Aid Kit: Not Comprehensive Medical Treatment This book is
Creating Foundations for American Schoolsby Dan H. McCormick, et. al. Excellent How-To for Committed School Districts Public schools in the United States are faced with
The Consultant’s Legal Guideby Elaine Biech, Linda Byars Swindling Nonprofit/charity sector consultants’ reference book This book is a well-crafted, easily readable treatment of an important
Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Communityby Robert D. Putnam Important Book for Nonprofit and Charity Professionals Robert Putnam’s Bowling Alone is a
Bait and Switch: The (Futile) Pursuit of the American Dreamby Barbara Ehrenreich There’s a lot to recommend this book, and a lot in it to
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